Comparison number(s): 3019294 51858824. The item numbers shown are for comparison purposes only. All information has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief, but we assume no liability for their accuracy.
Before installation, especially painting, it is important to ensure that the parts to be installed are suitable for the vehicle in question. Therefore, painted parts or parts showing signs of installation are generally excluded from return. By placing your bid, you accept the above conditions.
Please access the payment process only after purchasing the last item. Select one of the listed payment methods via instant purchase or via the cart. The items offered are not original parts. The lights offered bear a homologation mark (called E-marking) in accordance with regulation ECE 48, StVZO § 50 and are therefore approved for road traffic throughout the EU. ABE and/or entry in the vehicle documents are not required.Pickup: Pickup is possible at 23866 Nahe by appointment. We ship for free to the following countries via DHL. Shipping to the following countries via DHL. Our goods are checked for perfect condition and securely packaged before shipping. However, we cannot exclude damages due to transport.
These damages are covered by the parcel service's transport insurance. If the customer is a consumer, we request the following measures, without the fulfillment of these measures being a prerequisite for the consumer's legal claims for defects and defect rights.
If there are visible damages from the outside, please refuse to accept the shipment. If there are hidden damages, please return it to us only upon request.
If the customer is a business owner, he is obliged to immediately check for transport damages, to refuse acceptance in case of visible transport damages from the outside, and to report hidden transport damages within 24 hours (on weekdays). PUNTO EVO (10/09-12/11) and PUNTO (01/12-). Mon-Fri shipping until order receipt 14.00 hrs.Assistance in finding the right part. Expertise for more than 18 years. Suitable for the following models. Suitable for Citroen DS5 year of construction 11/11.
Suitable for the following models 2. Suitable for Citroen Jumper III year of construction 06/14. Suitable for the following models 3. Suitable for Fiat 500L year of construction 09/12. Suitable for the following models 4.
Suitable for Fiat Doblo (152) year of construction 12/14. Suitable for the following models 5.
Suitable for Fiat Ducato (250/251) year of construction 06/14. Suitable for the following models 6. Suitable for Fiat Panda (312) year of construction 02/12.
Suitable for the following models 7. Suitable for Fiat Punto (199) year of construction 10/09.
Suitable for the following models 8. Suitable for Fiat Tipo (356) year of construction 10/15. Suitable for the following models 9. Suitable for Ford Mondeo V 14 year of construction 09/14-05/19.Suitable for the following models 10. Suitable for Honda Civic year of construction 02/12-12/14. Suitable for the following models 11. Suitable for Honda Cr-V RE year of construction 10/12-01/15.
Suitable for the following models 12. Suitable for Iveco Daily VI year of construction 03/14. Suitable for the following models 13.
Suitable for Jeep Compass (MP/M6) year of construction 01/16. Suitable for the following models 14. Suitable for Opel Movano C (U9) year of construction 12/21. Suitable for the following models 15. Suitable for Peugeot Boxer III year of construction 06/14.